There are two of us now...
Here we chronicle our struggles with the undead horde. We've learned to survive.
Our hope is that the information collected here will aid you in your survival as well.

Boom Bitch!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Windy City

The weather in Colorado is so weird, especially here in Fort Collins. Yesterday it was in the 80's; today snow flurries. Oh, and the wind here kills me! It can be very strong. And once the wind picks up, it doesn't stop for days.

At times it can take my breath away as I struggle against it. It's the worst on my bike. When those wind gusts start up, I find myself unable to pedal forward. I end up frozen to the spot.

But I'm pretty stubborn. I don't like giving into the wind. As if it's my adversary- I am unwilling to show weakness in front of it. So I stand on my pedals, struggling in vain, only to give in when I finally lose my balance.

Sometimes it feels like the wind becomes even stronger in those times, as if to spite me. I hate the wind. It gets so loud that you can't hear the Gs approaching. It's not smart to be out when it's windy- I swear it carries your scent right to the unholy beasts.

But then, what can you do when you're in unfamiliar terrain on a bike expedition to Denver?

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