There are two of us now...
Here we chronicle our struggles with the undead horde. We've learned to survive.
Our hope is that the information collected here will aid you in your survival as well.

Boom Bitch!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The neighboring apartments were not difficult to enter, the large windows were easy to break. The smell of stagnant air in the apartments wafted through the newly opened window, the stench of mold and decay radiated throughout the entire apartment. The strength getting exponentially worse as I approached the kitchen, I brought my shirt over my nose, and quietly crept closer to the refrigerator, the source of the putrid smell that was assaulting my senses. my eyes and ears were on alert for the movement and sounds that would betray any Gs hiding in the apartment. The smell emanating from the fridge would cover any Gs that would be lurking around any corners. As I slowly and quietly maneuver my way pass the kitchen, the smell would caused my eyes to burn and water; suddenly hearing the creak of the old floorboards as I approached the back room, my senses suddenly on alert, my heart racing and veins pounding in my forehead. I balled my gloved fists, and thanked god that I had my boots with me when things turned to shit. Breathing deep, I risked a quick peek around the corner, and peered into the bedroom. Lumbering in the center of the room was a single G, slowly rocking back and forth, shifting it's weight from one foot to another. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes tight, one last deep breath, the anger I've felt the last few weeks, boiled to the surface. I pushed against the wall and charged into the room, my right leg raised i delivered a kick to the monster's ribs spinning it around, quickly I sent another towards the Zombie's leg. Followed by the loud cracking sound of the thing's femur breaking, and the festering rotten tissue rupturing and spilling from the newly opened wound, quickly mustering strengths for another kick, I quickly landed it on the side of the thing's head, putting an end to the short engagement. I left the room without taking another second longer than necessary, I immediately walked to the kitchen and grabbed as much canned goods as I could carry. I left the apartment as soon as possible with out giving myself time to think about what had just happened, I retreated to the apartment. I've decided to wait for Rika, decided not to tell her about the gore I created in the apartment...

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