There are two of us now...
Here we chronicle our struggles with the undead horde. We've learned to survive.
Our hope is that the information collected here will aid you in your survival as well.

Boom Bitch!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Rika hasn't returned yet, she's a day over due... I told her not to go!! Damn-it where the fuck could she be? I knew i should of gone with her!! I never should of let her go alone, why didn't i stop her? There just be some way to find a way to contact her. I need to get a hold of some radios and some batteries. If I leave now I may be able to retrace her steps to Jax.... no... no... that would never work, there is no way to track her if she ran into trouble and had to go off route, which she most certainly did... God why can't she just be back here and safe, with me? I need to know where she is.. please Rika be safe and come home soon... I have lunch ready... ...

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