There are two of us now...
Here we chronicle our struggles with the undead horde. We've learned to survive.
Our hope is that the information collected here will aid you in your survival as well.

Boom Bitch!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Rika returned yesterday I couldn't be more happy I am so relieved to have her with me again. After she came back I held her tight, I felt that if i dared to let her go she would disappear forever. It was many hours before i could feel sure that she was safe, before I could convince myself she was really here. That night I slept and did not stir until morning. I rose this morning happy that she was really here. I've decided we shouldn't go anywhere today. We both need some time to recoup. The list of supplies had to be updated to include some (now obvious) much needed devices; rechargeable batteries (I'll have to figure a way to produce electricity), Walkie-Talkies, and Weapons any will do. The battery is almost dead on the laptop now... we need to improve our situation soon...

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